Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ron Paul and What America Needs

Paul is the closest to what the Tea Party wants and what this country needs.  BUT, it took 125 years plus to get to the spot we are in today (~1879) so getting back to where we need to be isn't going to happen in 10 or 15 years.  The one thing the communist/progressive movement have managed to do is con people in two ways:

        1)  Politicians gain power, a great thing for the progressives as it works towards their agenda.  Easily
             done, because people naturally desire power and influence.

        2)  Supply an increasingly large segment of the population with "FREE" stuff.  Again, people are naturally
             greedy, so anything they can get for "FREE" (perceptively to them) they will take.

Ron Paul is either ahead of his time or behind his time.  Paul is somewhat right on his foreign policy stance:  The United States should be concerned strictly with the United States and, I believe he sees it this way, doing so will help reduce the international problems we have.  I don't know if he is a strict isolationist or a hemispherist (I believe Teddy Roosevelt had that goal....although his ultimate was for the US to rule the world...ok, well he would do so...he would be happy being President today).  We, as TEA Party people/Libertarians/conservatives, must be as stubborn as those which would see this country destroyed.  Our goals are to reduce the power in Washington and bring it back to the towns and states where it truly belongs (and, obviously, the people).

The trick, so to speak, if finding candidates that are willing to take the reigns away from the powerful (by winning the elections) and then taking that power away from themselves.  In other words, we need people who are morally incorruptible and willing to take their power away from themselves and return it to the States, towns, and people.  These people are rare, since we all know the saying "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely".  We need to find the strong among us, those we are most assured are willing to go to Washington and be Mr. Smith.

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