Tuesday, October 18, 2011

In The Beginning...there was no Liberty...then the United States was Formed

In the beginning, our world was in darkness for man had not experienced true Liberty but had, rather, been convinced enslavement by a man or group of men was the natural order of things.  There were some nations which had experienced Liberty but these did not last long because the people fell from their duty.  A few nations managed to write about the coming of Liberty and how they prospered as a result.  Among those who had Liberty were Israel and the Anglo-Saxon tribes of Europe.  These two groups believed in a representative form of government and each member had certain rights which could only be removed if it was shown that person had violated the rights of others.  Close to 1000 years had passed from the fall of the Anglo-Saxons to the re-emergence of the ideas leading to the founding of our nation.  More people have suffered at the hands of tyrants claiming to know how they should live their lives than people who have experienced true Liberty.

So you think you are free?  I hate to be the one to tell you this but, being an optimistic pessimist, I give you the truth:  You have never been free.  Your parents have never been free.  If you think you are free, then stop the government from taking your hard earned money out of your paycheck.  See how that goes...it won't.  Your employer will laugh at you and say it cannot be done.  Even if they wished to do so, they couldn't.  How much does it cost for you to travel from one city to another?  How much of that is payment to the government?  Most do not realize but when you pay any form of tax, you are giving the government your life-blood.  Oh No, What did he say?  I said you are giving the government your life-blood!  How so?  Simple:  Every minute you work you spend a portion of your life doing so.  If the government then takes a portion of your wages, they in fact are taking a portion of your paycheck which you spent time earning.  Time is the most precious commodity a human has and to take money earned by that person through spending time working then you are taking TIME from said person...therefore, to expound upon a phrase:  Your life (Life-Blood) is time, Time is Money, to take Money from you is to take your Life/Life-blood.

When you buy something, you pay a tax which is not included in the price (but remember there are taxes you can't see in the marked price).  Let's say you want to buy a $1,000 computer.  In certain states the sales is 7%, so you need to pay $1,070.  Now, if you had saved up exactly the marked price of the computer, you would not be able to purchase it...so, in essence, the government has prevented you from exercising your freedom to purchase something.  Now, please, do not get me wrong, some taxes are necessary...excessive taxation is not.

What about the children?  Yes, the children who all our hopes and dreams are emboldened (????).  The most basic right of a person is that once they have a child, they not only have the right to enrich this child as they see fit but they have the responsibility to raise the child to NOT be a burden on the rest of society (If a parent wants their child to be a burden on them, that is well within their rights).  But, as most parents who have had encounters with government run schools and supposed educators may know, the parent is under a constant threat because the system (government) has empowered the child (though the system has no power) to report abusive parents.  A child may decide a parent is abusive simply because the parent decided to punish the children for inappropriate behavior or the parent didn't buy them the latest cell phone with all the tweaks in it.  The parent is then subjected to an outsider (government sponsored) forcing their way into the home and, in many cases, a person who is NOT a parent passing judgement on an actual parent.  Freedom?  Liberty?  No, not at all.  Try to get involved with the schools in your area.  Attempt to get something that is politically correct removed out of the curriculum because it offends you and/or you don't want your children to be exposed to it.  You won't be shot down, you will be ignored at best.  At worse, you will be personally attacked and branded as something which may describe the accusers but does not describe your intent or person.  Rather, you just have standards which those who claim to be in charge don't (When was the last time a politician actually had standards....me thinks we would have to look back to the early 1800's for that).

Freedom.  A fish in water does not know it is in water.  A slave who has never seen freedom does not know he is a slave but believes he is living an average life.  A society that has never experienced freedom will never understand that until they have done so.  As the founders said, paraphrased, "The people believe a republic is lead by a monarchy, just a different level of it.  The people understand this to be true because they have only experienced monarchy and never experienced a true Republic."  Fox News is right-wing, CNN is center.  CNN is only the center and balanced if all you have ever experienced was CNN, so yes, Fox News would appear to be right-wing if they are reporting from the true center (CNN reporting from the left of center).

The government is moving the perception of what Freedom and Liberty are as a means to enslave the people (try "Boiling the Lobster" as the image..oh and we are the lobster).  The best con jobs in history have been a government being able to get the people to believe they are free while, in fact, the people are nothing more than slaves.  I, and many people I know, would rather die free than die the slow death of slavery.

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