Monday, October 17, 2011


You will find that my mind wanders while writing.  I usually have a point to the wandering and it may be difficult to follow it in a logical, concise manner but hopefully, by the time you have finished whatever blogarticle I have written, you will understand the main points.

I am a political junkie.  Politics, as I have observed, is the only game which truly matters and effects our lives. Whereas a sports game, such as baseball or football, when the season ends it is over and, as far as normality goes, the results of that season will not truly effect our lives (except for those who gamble their life, sacred fortune, and honor away).  Politics as a sport, NEVER ENDS.  In truth, when an election cycle completes, a new one begins, and so, despite what those who claim to represent the interests of the people wish you to think, they are always campaigning.

Hopefully, through this blog and others like it, those who read it will become better educated in what should have been, is, and will be the future of this nation.  What should have been is based upon the design of the forefathers and their vision of what a free people are, what the future goal of their work was, and what their fears were.

"What is" deals with the current state of our government and how we arrived here.  Where did it all begin and where did it go wrong.  Who are the great players and what their current thought is.  What about those who believe in original intent versus those who claim The Constitution is a "living, breathing document" (not sure they could really define what that means though).

"What will be" deals with the two paths which this nation can take.  One is the path which it has been on since about 1879 while the other is the path which The Founders set us out on.  One path leads to tyranny of the greatest form while the other leads us to a golden age as the one we had been experiencing and which other nations, by the force used by our government on the people of this nation, are now embarking upon.

Obviously it is my position that a government which governs least, governs best.  I hope that those whose opinion differs from mine will read this blog without emotion and present arguments which support their hypothesis as well as providing meaningful critique of my writings.

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