Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oh the "Peace Loving" Palestinians

Not even a week after being released and already the lunitic Palestinians are screaming they are going to blow themselves up and telling school children to follow their example (

While in Israel, the newly release soldier (hmmm, 1 soldier for 1,000+ Terrorists????) is talking walks with his parents and not threatening to kill those who held him captive.

The dichotomy is significant.  On this side of the world those who claim the Palestinians are about peace and the Israelis are about war won't see this.  Rather they will see 1000+ poor little prisoners who have been denied their homeland and probably subjected to torture were finally released in exchange for a soldier who did the dirty world of the suppressors of those poor, innocent people.  They won't see 1000+ people who are prepared to strap on bombs and kill children (forget for a moment the adult civilians they will murder).  They won't see a society which suppresses women.  They won't see any organization which tells the citizens they have zero chance in this world because of the Israelis.  They certainly won't allow the true history of the Middle-East to be told, else their people might decide to rebel.

Then there are the government sponsored rocket attacks on schools.  Ohhhh, you thought for a moment I was going to say Israel was doing it?  No, reality is troublesome and facts are stubborn.  Hamas, alone, likes to fire their rockets near hospitals and schools.  So when the Israeli's finally get sick of their children being killed decide to attack, Hamas can call the wonderful western news media (unbiased in all things of course) and tell them the Israeli's are trying to kill innocent people.  The media, rather than reporting the reason for the attack, pretends the Israeli's did so unprovoked or minimizes the rocket attack by saying something which gives an excuse for it ("Well, Israel had a helicopter flying near the area so Hamas figured they were going to attack"). No matter, the facts are the Palestinians use women and children as human shields and that is a violation of international law (who cares right, it is the Palestinians doing it) and ALL human decency (Some, it seems, don't have that concept anymore).  []

Since when did it become common practice to take the side of those who kill civilians indiscriminately?  Who think nothing of conning those who are weak into strapping bombs on themselves, boarding buses, and killing everyone on board?  Then, rather than saying "Hey, you shouldn't do that!" everyone tells the attacked person they shouldn't retaliate in any way, shape, or form.

Maybe a little history lesson is in order.  Hopefully it may straighten out some misconceptions.  What are the Palestinian territories?  There are NONE.  The fact of the matter is the West Bank and Gaza Strip were part of the surrounding nations (Egypt and Jordan) from 1948 to 1967.  When the nations attacked Israel, these lands were captured by Israel (PS This was an unprovoked attack with the goal of destroying all of Israel and killing all the Jews within her borders...nice people, eh?).  So, how is it the Egyptians and Jordanians can occupy those territories without being called on the carpet but the Israeli's can't?  As these lands were taken from two aggressive nations during a war that is part of the result of war.  If one nation attacks another, one of the two is likely going to loose some territory...that is the risk of war.

Prior to the '67 war, Palestinians and Jews in Israel generally lived in peace with each other.  Then came Arafat and the PLO (minor to start but he took out the competition for the most part).  Along with that group Jordan and Egypt, feeling slightly embarrassed at getting their buts kicked, figured they would use the supposed Palestinian discontent in an attempt to undermine the Israeli economy.  They offered the Palestinian people "a better life" in their nations.  So, many Palestinians were conned into thinking they could do even better than they were doing in Israel (which, looking at that period of time would have been rather difficult to do so) so many went.  What greeted them (except for the leadership of course) were tents and ghettos, corruption, economic starvation, and, finally, humiliation.  The Israelis attempted to convince the Palestinians NOT to leave because they felt they could live together and succeed, they feared the potential problems it could cause (look, the Jews are kicking out the Palestinians), and they knew what was in store for the Palestinians.  Most fell for the con, some stayed.

In Israel, today, there are Palestinians who wish this war to stop.  They fear saying anything on the record because if they do so, one of the terrorist groups (so called government) may decide to kill them and/or their family.  Is this the kind of peace the supposed progressive/liberals wish?  The Peace of Fear is not true peace and will last but a fleeting moment.

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